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The setting is set in a class.
Mr. Harris : Good morning everybody!

Students    : Good morning Mr. Harris!

Mr. Harris : All right, my dear students. Today we will move into the new subtopic of our World History subject. Maybe it is quite interesting for all of you to know about the news...

Gordon     : Wow!It is a nice new thing that we will gain it about the human communication, sir?

Mr. Harris : Yeah!You are right Mr. Smith. But, what I want to give you today, is about, how news can be deliver from a place to another place, from the old time until this seconds...

Gordon     : Sir, can you tell us the beginning of the news?

Mr. Harris : Of course, Mr. Smith. For your information, my dear, starting in 18th century, news is been delivered by a town crier. This method is very popular and famous overall in all of part of  England and North America.

Gordon      : the way, how he can do his job?

Mr. Harris : Owh, he does his job by shouting out the latest news as he walked through all the city streets. For me, it might be shameful. Haha...

Gordon     : So brave lol!Apart from that, I also very interested in the ways of the African.

Mr. Harris : Did you mean the 'talking drum'?

Gordon     : Yes, Sir!

Mr. Harris : Ohoh!Originally, the 'talking drum' was been introduced and popular in West Africa. Anyone know how the news is delivered?

Gordon     : Sir, According to our reference book, via the 'talking drum', the news travelled from one village to another.

Mr. Harris : Absolutely right!

Gordon     : In addition, in less populated area in Malaysia, the Orang Asli or Aboriginal spread news by word of mouth. I think, that is the most acceptable and trusted method for delivering the news.

Mr. Harris : Thanks for the new information, Mr. Smith. Look, nowadays, we can obtain information easily through newspapers, megazines, the television, mobile phones and the computer. In simple words, the development of technologies make the human life to be more easier.

Gordon     : That is right, Sir...

Mr. Harris : All everyone please proceed with the next page. We will doing some practices...

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